It is a six step process that helps us solve both simple and complex problems.

The Design/Problem Solving Process is a six step process that helps us solve both simple and complex problems.

Monday, August 16, 2010

American Society in the Late 60's Early 70's

After watching the Apollo 13 video clip, looking at pictures online, and reading about this event, what observation could you make about American Society at this time? Post your observation and briefly respond to another bloggers comments.


  1. Looking at the pictures and video of mission control and the astronauts, I noticed almost all of the people were white men. Were they the only ones qualified to do this type of work?

  2. It is no secret that the 1960's were turbulent years in our nation's history. African Americans from all of the United States were striving for racial equality; fighting centuries of discrimination in a variety of different ways. Unfortunately, the positive societal changes brought by the "Civil Rights Movement" were not realized over-night. As a result, many prestigious professions, especially those affiliated with the government (NASA), did not become genuinely integrated until the decades to come.

  3. Why did the United States become so involved in space travel?

  4. As WWII ended, the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union began. Each side suspected the other of possible military agression against the other. As technology, especially rocket technology,improved both sides were fearful the other would use space as a new platform to wage war. Thus,the Space Race and our interest in space travel began.
