It is a six step process that helps us solve both simple and complex problems.

The Design/Problem Solving Process is a six step process that helps us solve both simple and complex problems.

Monday, August 16, 2010

We Talked About That In Another Class.

While we have been using the Apollo 13 Mission as a real life example of the Design/Problem Solving Process, we have also called upon a great deal of knowledge that we have learned in other classes to help us understand this process and the historical significance of the Apollo Space Program. Comment on one topic that we have discussed in this unit of instruction, that you have learned about in another class. Also, reply to one blogger's comment.

1 comment:

  1. In Social Studies you learned about the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. One of the battles that was fought in the Cold War was the Space Race. The Apollo Space Program was at the center of this battle.
